Posted by on October 6, 2011

We produce a lot of events every year. Some are large and require semi-trucks full of gear and a small nation of crew; some are much smaller in scale. With the smaller events, the vendor decision often comes down to a choice between in-house AV and an outside vendor.

AV setup at a show

Often, the event planner feels pressured by the hotel to choose the in-house AV. This can end up being the best decision, but unless research is done beforehand, it could end up being a disaster. Luckily, after years of experience, we know which in-house AV companies are reputable and which may not be, and when it’s appropriate to use in-house versus an outside vendor.

There’s a misconception out there that outside AV companies always compete with the in-house AV companies, but that’s simply not true. Every once in a while, a client will comment that they’d love for us to produce their event, but it’s probably too small for us to get involved and their best option may be to use the in-house AV.

We actually have a contract with a national in-house AV supplier, and we’ll gladly work in conjunction with and supplement an in-house AV company when it’s appropriate.  It’s not us versus them. We have a national account representative out in Los Angeles who does a lot of large road shows, and he’s good at them.

We’re more concerned about where our AV equipment comes from. If the equipment is right for the show in terms of price, quality and availability, we’ll use it and work together with the in-house AV company to make sure your show is the best yet.

Soundboard setup